Monday 9 December 2013


Following the recruitment evening you and your colleagues are going to analyse interpersonal and written communications, criticising and justifying particular techniques used. Discuss with your peers the different interpersonal and written communication skills used during this project. Then write an individual report that analyses the discussed interpersonal and written communications criticising and justifying the different techniques used. (D1) Deadline 6th December.

Verbal Communication
Verbal communication has helped me in the production of my work in many ways. There were many advantages and disadvantages. One advantage of verbal communication is that when I was doing my work it means that I could get information from my peers to help me update and make my work to a better quality and standard.  One disadvantage of verbal communication is that it is hard to put someone’s speech into words. This meant it may be harder for someone to read but I might not realise because it has been explained to me. One example of this is if one of my friends has said something with words that may be too simple, but looking for words that seem more mature and professional is difficult. One piece of ICT work that this skill helped me with was my communicational/barriers method task.
Teacher broadcasting demonstration
Teacher broadcasting demonstration has helped me in the production of my work in many ways. One way that it has helped me in the production of my work is that it has made it clearer for me to see and understand. Also hand gestures have made it clearer for me understand what the teacher was going through because it meant it linked with the type of work and things he was saying. Also hand gestures meant that it made it more interesting when the teacher was speaking making me link it to the work.  One disadvantage is that it meant that it meant that you couldn’t remember everything that the teacher was saying. Also sometimes it’s not planned out in the right order so things sounded misleading, meaning that work got more complicated.
Using Blogger
Blogger has had many advantages in the production of my work. One advantage of this site is that it meant I have had a backup of my work because if I had lost it on my files I wouldn’t have to worry knowing that I had uploaded it to blogger. Another advantage was that it meant I could see the comments my teachers were putting to correct my work and make it better. Another advantage of blogger is that it meant that I could look on my smartphone by just putting the web address in as no programs are needed except internet explorer. This meant I could regularly check to see if my blogger is up to date and if not quickly resolve the matter. One disadvantage of using blogger is that you have to understand it before you can start uploading your work. I found it difficult at first when I went to sort out my settings I couldn’t find the right icons and found it quite difficult to find out had to attach my files to a post.
Using Gmail
Gmail has helped me in the production of my ICT work in many ways. One advantage of using Gmail is that it meant that I could use it to email about my work and say that it is ready for marking; also it meant that if I couldn’t get onto the website for my units I could email and be accepted through easily. One disadvantage of using Gmail is that it can be confusing looking for the right messages or saving a message that is important, this resulted in emailing my teacher more often that I wanted to.
Publishing images (prints screens)
I have used print screens a lot in the production of my work. The main reasons are that it meant that I could see a website or show a whole image clearly to someone by pasting it onto my work. Also it is very easy and quick to do meaning that I could finish my work by its deadlines. It is also good because any unwanted information on the print screen could be cropped out so I could show the main parts clearly. I used print screens and these methods on my dummies guide to show the readers what they should be focusing on. I didn’t have any disadvantages on using print screens as they are simple to do and easy to remember.
Using PowerPoint
PowerPoint has helped me in the production of my work in many ways. One way that PowerPoint has helped me in the production of my work is that it meant I could do presentations which were clear for me to see and for the audience to see. Another reason that I found PowerPoint helpful was because it helped me to layout my work to make it look better by using the default presentation themes and I could change them to make them look more effective. One disadvantage was that it meant when uploading it I had to save each slide as a jpeg which takes time.

Using publisher
Publisher helped me to make effective work and it linked in with the tasks e.g. my dummies guide leaflet, this meant I could simply click default leaflet templates. This was straight forward and made it easy when I was setting up my work and making it look effective but at the same time making it look clear for the readers. I didn’t have any disadvantages with this as it was a very straight forward program to use.
Using Google calendar
Google calendar has helped me to with my work in many ways. One way that using Google calendar has helped me in the production of my work is that I could easily set tasks and make sure that I complete them by a specific time. This helped me with my skills audit and meant that everything I didn’t know how to do I learned. One disadvantage of using Google calendar is that it put me under pressure to get all of the work done and made me feel like I was being rushed but when I finished I seen the benefits of this site.