Friday 16 January 2015

Unit 43 - P1

Produce a blogger entry to show your understanding of the different types of media that could be used in the creation of the product. Reference should be made to how the media will meet the organisations objectives and how the media is fit for purpose in terms of meeting the needs of the intended audience. A good range of different audience types should be included.

The main audience for my product is young adults. This is because they might be travelling more and taking part in lots of different types of sport. My product will be good and useful for capturing all their moments whilst they are participating in things such as sport, leisure and travelling. The purpose for my product is to advertise GoPro, 4K resolution cameras. I need to make sure that it is appealing and shows the capability of the product. 


A multimedia product uses a combination of images, words and sounds to present information. Multimedia is being used more in education, advertising and entertainment. There are many different types of multimedia such as computer games, websites and DVDs. These all use text, sound, images and videos to present information. The combination of these single media items together is 'multimedia'.

Types of Multimedia

Sound - I will use sound in this project when doing things such as making adverts. Sound will help me to present information and help people understand what the advert is about.

Animation - Animation will be used in this project because it will allow me to advertise and promote things in the organisation that I want people to see. If I make animations it might appeal more because the person can simply watch it and receive information.

Still and moving images - Still and moving images will be used throughout the project to show what the organisation is about and will help to show objectives and requirements in the organisation. Images will make people more likely look at the organisations as it will make it more fascinating. 

Business requirements

Business requirements allow organisations to show what they are looking for in employees. It means that they can more easily select the types of people that they want working for them because they are more successful in the organisation. Business requirements change depending on which job a person is going for e.g. someone looking for a job as a teacher will need good speaking skills as they will have to present information to students regularly. 

Target audience - Target audience is important because this is the group of people that I want to see the organisation. If I didn't have a target audience it would be hard to market the product because I would have to do it to a large scale of people. Having a target audience will make it easier for the company because they can find out what attracts this audience and what they would be interested in, this can help the company to advertise and catch people eye.

Purpose - The purpose of multimedia is to allow people to create and view things in a 3D graphical form, this is to satisfy the needs of users. The purpose of business requirements is to make people know what they would need to do if they want to work or get involved with a business.

Platform - Platforms are used to help business advertise their product. They can use lots of different platforms such as computers, TVs and billboards etc. They are important because they need to choose the correct platform for the correct market e.g. advertising for grandparents wouldn't be good online because older people don't use the internet that much. Platforms can have lots of advantages if they are used the right way.

Business objectives

Business objectives are what an organisation sets up to they have goals to achieve, these goals are linked to the success of the business. The organisation will need to link these objectives to their multimedia product to make it more successful and to make the objectives achievable. For example if a business wants to promote their business they will make a poster or leaflet that can be seen by the audience  they are marketing the product for.


The business will need to make sure that they have a researched and appropriate target market for their product. this will help them to make it suit that audience which is the aim for getting them to see the product, this is because it is appealing to them. If they have a good. One good way of linking a product to the correct market is by creating an audience profile. This includes age, gender, culture, race, class and business and interests. This will help a product be linked to the correct people.