Tuesday 28 April 2015


The slide below shows the first page of my product. I have created the GoPro logo by myself on Adobe Photoshop which meant that I didn't need to contact the organisation to get permission as it was created by me and not copied. I have used a different font that looks very similar to the original one that is used on their website. The font I used was Neuropol, as this font does look very similar to the original logos it would mean that I might need to gain permission for copyright for legal reasons.

The image with the 3 cameras is from the GoPro official website (http://gopro.com/). I can use this image because it states on the privacy policy of the website that the images on the website can be used for online purposes. The other 3 images on my product are going to be original images as I have taken some of a GoPro to add to my product which means the images are mine so no permission will be needed.

The image below shows the third page of my product. The images on this page have been downloaded from a 4K resolution images application. This means that I can use them because permission has been given to provider by the person who took the images for personal use. 

The image below shows the last page of my product, on this page there will be an original video that i will take or use with a GoPro to show the quality of the product. I will have to gain permission if I use a video someone else has created.