Friday 31 January 2014


P2 – File types used on the Kingswood website
The Kingswood school uses lots of different file types for different things.  There are 2 main graphical files that are used on the Kingswood School website. These are Bitmaps and Vector software. Bitmaps are mainly used on the website for the presenting of images and the vectors are used for things such as the logo. One problem with bitmaps is that when you zoom into the image they become pixelated. This can make it hard to see an image and make it look unclear and fuzzy. Vector images don’t have this problem; they are clear no matter how much you zoom in to them. This is because they don’t use pixels.

Another file type that is used is PNGs, this is used for the actual image of the whole website, meaning everything on the screen:
Internet graphics are usually saved as Bitmaps, JPEGs or GIF. This is because they usually load up faster than other files..
Van text would also usually be saved as a vector.
Nursery flyers would  be saved as a PDF. 


  1. www: a good start to the task.
    ebi: you make 3 comments regaring the type of graphic and files format you would use for the 3 areas as required:
    - internet logo
    - van text
    - nursery flyer

  2. Internet graphics would have to be bitmap and saved as a jpg or gif

  3. ebi: Can you please either remove the missing images or load them properly.
    Then this post will be fine, please do this for your P1 post as well.
