Tuesday 16 June 2015


Web 2.0 - The most popular technologies used in delivering web 2.0 are Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight and Javascript. It makes it easier to for a server to download more pages and information by sharing the workload, making heavily demanded work more accessible. 

Blogs - A blog is a small website or web page that is usually run by a small group of people. They are usually interesting and are more informal than professional websites as they usually don't need to be professional. They usually link to other sites or news pieces creating an online type of diary.

Online applications - These are application than are run on the web, things such as games are types of online applications. These are usually interesting for the user or can be helpful e.g. online presentations are a type of online application too. 

Cloud computing - There are many benefits to cloud computing such as they can manage files easily, they have almost infinite space so the capacity is almost never a problem and they can be accessed from anywhere as long as there is some internet connection. Cloud computing is somewhere that you can access your information and applications and data can be stored securely. They are very useful for companies to run their software because they are very reliable and they will always keep the important information secure and ready to be restored in case of an emergency.

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