Thursday 18 June 2015

M2 & M3

Above is my homepage, it shows one of the biggest films out this year so that viewers can see the most appealing that they might want to see.

The image above is the buy films page, this shows the viewers what the films are about in order to give them information whether this is the film that they want to buy or watch.

My website now clearly works on the internet, I have create a button to go from the homepage to buy films. As you can see in the first picture when the mouse is hovered over buy films it changed color showing that it can be clicked to go that page.

My website has all the pictures will are previewed in the images, they show the titles and parts of the films that the users might be renting or buying. I tested my website to ensure that all the buttons functioned properly and that it is usable.

When designed my web pages I used layers in order to allow me to move all the items to where I wanted them situated. This tool was good because it meant I could move items without any problems and it helped me to layout my website better. I also used 'Iexplore' in order to preview my website on the browser to see if it all worked how it should and to see how it looked.

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