Tuesday 2 June 2015

P6 evaluation

How it is fit for purpose

I think that the GoPro product is fit for purpose because it is clear, looks professional and shows all the things that need to be included for my target audience. It also works well; it does this by changing page when it should and showing the correct information on each page.

Why the media elements are appropriate and why it is professional

All of the media elements are linked to the product, they show what the GoPro is capable of by having 4K resolution images on it. This shows the audience what they can do and why it would be suitable for them. The media elements are all images, there is no video included in the product. The colour and fonts are very professional and stay the same throughout the whole product.

Does it work without errors or broken links?

The product works very well, when supposed to change it does it without any problems, this shows that the links are all correct and that the product is functioning the way it should be. So far there have been no errors on the product.

5 amendments that could be done to the product

1. Add some original images
2. Add more animation
3. Allow the buttons on each page to work
4. Make the logo in the top corner go to home when clicked
5. Edit some of the images 

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