Monday 15 June 2015

Unit 28 - P2 & P3

User Side Factors

Download Speed - This is the speed in which your technology will download files. There are lots of factors that can cause downloads to take a while. If there is lots of people downloading the same file then it could take longer because the programme will be working harder and will be connecting to more than one person. Download speed is different on different laptops depending on the quality of each one. Smaller files will download the quickest e.g. a small JPEG will download instantly whereas a big file will take longer.

PC Performance - Depending on the age and condition of the laptop, this is what will affect the performance. If the computer is newer and has up to date technology in it then it will perform better. I need to make sure that my website isn't too large for the computer and the items on it are suitable for all computers so everyone can look on the site.

Server Side Factors

Web Server Capacity - This is how many people can be on the website at once e.g. twitter has a very good web server capacity as thousands of people are on it all day everyday. A smaller website will take longer to open because it has a smaller scale. The bandwidth is the amount of technology than can connect to a web server. JPEGs are one of the suitable files that download the quickest, files such as mp3 sometimes don't download and take a while because they need plug ins and additional assistance to help them function. The execution is how quick pages load and end, on a website like twitter it is instant but on a smaller website the website might take a while to load certain things.

File Types - The larger a file type the longer it will take to load, this is because the computer will be working harder. Files such as JPEGs will load instantly, these are things such as images. I will make sure that I use JPEGs if I want images as it will mean that load time is quicker for all users as not everyone has fast internet connection.

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